Category: Articles

Medical Medium On A Budget - Produce Shopping Tips & Tricks
It seems like every time I go to the grocery store these days, the price of produce has increased!  No matter if you are trying to feed your family or just yourself, buying fresh organic produce has become...
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Vaginal Health - Understanding Conditions Women Face
Let’s examine more closely some of the most common conditions and what we can do to finally heal and optimize vaginal health.
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The Mysteries of Menstruation and Menopause - Why All The Drama?
Protecting a woman’s reproductive system is the single most important focus of her body between the time of puberty and menopause.  This time, between puberty and menopause, is also when a woman...
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Beat Fatigue and Boost Your Energy
Fatigue has become so common we think it's normal. There is nothing normal about being chronically tired. Learn how to boost your energy levels with the right nutrition, tools and knowledge!
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7 Keys to Unlocking the Power of the Summer Sunshine
Sunshine, A Powerful Healer When I step into the sunshine on a hot summer day, it fills me with warmth and energy…like someone loving me. While we all know the warmth of the sun feels comforting,...
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SLEEP - An Elusive Bedfellow
We have all had a poor night’s sleep on occasion, and know just how difficult it can be to function on all cylinders the next day. For those who suffer with chronic sleep conditions, exhaustion may...
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What's to Blame for our Chronic Illness Symptoms
There is a lot of confusion amongst those who are healing on their chronic illness journeys on what causes symptoms. What is the true cause of chronic illness symptoms? Often the healing protocols used,...
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Holiday Food Inspirations from the Intuitive Healing Community
Happy Holidays everyone! I wish you all the very best this time of year. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Kwanza, or another important holiday, I hope your family enjoys the...
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Maple Roasted Acorn Squash
I’ve got another yummy kitchen creation to share with you; this Maple Roasted Acorn Squash is a result of me enjoying my time in the kitchen over the last few weeks. Especially when my girls join...
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Butternut & Kabocha Squash Soup
A few days ago I posted about making a clean version of Butternut & Kabocha Squash Soup, which we finally did, and it was SO YUMMY! The idea began when my girls and I planted a garden in the summer....
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Pre- and Post- Surgery Adrenal Support
Meet Annabelle. My client. Annabelle struggled with bad teeth and needed dental surgery.  Annabelle is finally feeling the best she has felt in 20 years!!! Medical Medium protocols worked wonders for her...
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How to Breathe Cleaner Air
Why should we care about air quality? The topic of air quality has been at the forefront of my mind for a long time. The air we breathe is constantly flowing in and out of our bodies. Usually, unless the...
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Aloe Cooler: 3 Ways + How To Prep the Aloe - No Bitterness
I am so excited to share a nifty trick I developed recently for removing the bitterness from aloe gel so that you can enjoy it in some fun summer recipes. Just because many of us are spending a lot of...
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How Adrenaline Has Shaped My Healing Story
I recently shared a post called 68 Things You Might Not Know About My Personal Healing Journey. In that post, I share my journey through chronic illness and the path I am taking to achieve true healing...
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Adrenaline Is Good For Us - Yes, You Heard That Right!
You may be a little confused by the title. If you have followed me for a while, you know that I talk a lot about adrenaline. Adrenal fatigue, adrenal imbalance, corrosive adrenaline… these topics are worthy...
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Dental Health Q&A
Dental Health Q&A NOTE: This advice is NOT a substitute for medical or dental advice. Go to your dentist and get their opinion. They look at teeth every day. I’m sharing here what I know from my experience....
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Cavity-Healing Story PLUS Common Dental and Oral Issues
NOTE: This advice is NOT a substitute for medical or dental advice. Go to your dentist and get their opinion. They look at teeth everyday. I’m sharing here what I know from my experience. It is advice...
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My Prayer For Healing
I pray that God’s light prevails over darkness on earth.  I pray that we as humans are able to recognize that healing is up to us and that we CAN heal. I pray that we all know God wants us to heal. I pray...
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68 Things You Might Not Know About My Personal Healing Journey From Sickness To Health & Wellbeing
During My Younger Years: 1. At the age of 3 months, I had full blown eczema and was treated with steroids. 2. At age 3, I had tuberculosis. 3. At age 6, I had asthma and struggled with multiple chest and...
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Body, Heart, Soul & Spirit Series: How They Are Interconnected
How are the parts (heart, soul, and spirit) that make us who we are interconnected?    On page 22 of the Medical Medium, Anthony defines the spirit as “someone’s will and physical strength.”   This...
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Body, Heart, Soul & Spirit Series: The Spirit
What is SPIRIT?    Anthony William, Medical Medium talks about spirit in his first book:  “The third key component I look at when I scan a client is that person’s spirit—which in this context refers...
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Body, Heart, Soul & Spirit Series: The Heart
What is the purpose of the HEART?    I want to share here what Anthony William, Medical MediumⓇ writes about the heart from his first book Medical Medium, Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness...
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Body, Heart, Soul & Spirit Series: The Soul
What is the SOUL?    In his book, Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal, Anthony says that the soul “is the consciousness of a person, or what some call...
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Body, Heart, Soul & Spirit Series: The Body
What is the purpose of the physical BODY?    Sounds like an odd question! Everyone knows what our bodies are, right?    The body is the physical being that houses our organs and each of our souls,...
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Let’s Talk About Emotions
Emotions are feelings we experience like joy, peace, love, sadness, worry or anger. The word emotion refers to the energy in motion of our feelings. They are constantly moving and changing – to see...
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Strengthen Your Nervous System to Strengthen Your Intuition
In my previous post on intuition, I discussed the importance of having a healthy nervous system so that there are clearer pathways for your intuition to run along. I gave the metaphor of a bumpy, dirt...
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Intuition - It’s Within ALL of Us
According to Anthony William, Medical MediumⓇ, a woman’s intuition is far more powerful than that of a man’s and that it is what makes women really powerful. We hear “intuition” being thrown around, and...
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Grains and Beans and Strep, Oh my! [Part 2]
My recent Grains, Beans, and Strep – Oh My! post received SO many inquiries, I decided to put together a little FAQ / QA sheet for you to refer back to. Let me know below in the comments if this...
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Grains and Beans and Strep, Oh my! [Part 1]
POST UPDATED 1/26/20 NOTE: The nutritional content references in this blog are from statements made by the Medical Medium, Anthony William. They are not based on the widely accepted nutrition calculations...
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Don’t do this alone. Join me.
I remember when I first got sick. I remember when I first felt alone. I remember the extreme cleanse methods that left me feeling weak and tired. This ends now. I built this membership from what I needed. During...
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Are You In Adrenal Stress?
Here’s a little-known but super important fact about adrenaline…   Adrenaline is safe in proper levels and is a natural part of how our bodies work. Our bodies were built to reside in a state...
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Detoxing 101
Cleansing is one of the body’s most innate functions to keep it healthy – it is as basic to us as breathing. To protect us from harmful substances that find their way in, our bodies naturally cleanse every...
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Clean Water Tips: Water Water Everywhere - Yet What to Drink?
updated 6/27/20 Looking for tips regarding clean water? I recently did a series of stories on my Instagram, responding to a number of questions in the Medical Medium community about alkaline water. This...
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Sweet Potato Ice Cream
This Sweet Potato Ice Cream is a decadent, fulfilling dessert that can be really comforting as the holidays approach, where we might sometimes feel left out of participating with the rich foods of these...
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Pakistani-Indian Black Dahl (Fat Free)
I grew up eating (Pakistani-Indian) black dahl. It was a staple food for us with almost every meal. Now mind you, I ate a lot of meat and chicken when I was younger too. So once I turned plant based, the...
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Muneeza’s Jackfruit Mushroom Taco Meat
This is an absolute favorite recipe for my kids and family and a total crowd pleaser! My extended family loves it so much that they request my Jackfruit Mushroom Taco Meat recipe often.   This is a recipe...
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Pakistani-Indian Dahl (Fat Free & Great for Weight Loss)
I have a couple of Pakistani-Indian dahl recipes on my blog. As I have mentioned elsewhere, I grew up eating dahl. In particular this red lentil version known as Masoor Ki Dahl was an almost daily staple.  I...
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Vegan Mushroom Stroganoff
This Vegan Mushroom Stroganoff is a healthy, Medical Medium® approved take on the one my mom made when we were kids.
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Tomato Herb Dressing (Fat Free & Salt Free)
One day after being a little bored of making the same salad every day, I thought it would be interesting if I made a tomato herb dressing that was fat free and salt free, instead of just chopping tomatoes...
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Stuffed Acorn Squash with Mushrooms, Chickpeas and Cranberries
The tastes and smells of fall always remind me of stuffed acorn squash.   Squashes.  Cranberries.  Falling leaves  Warm, comforting & hearty meals.  In truth, I love this part about fall. I love serving...
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Muneeza Ahmed

Hi, I'm Muneeza

I’m humbled to have supported over 11,000 people in 86 countries (and counting) to heal with the perfect blend of education, support and community. If you’re ready for your journey from hope to deep healing, you’re in the right place.



Now trending

Japanese Ginger Dressing
Japanese Ginger Dressing Do you still crave some of...
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Protect Yourself from Dengue Fever
My parents called me frantically because my sister...
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Abandoning the Standard American Diet: How to Start
As viral and bacterial superbugs become pervasive and...
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Endometriosis: The True Cause and How to Heal
A diagnosis of endometriosis can be devastating. A...
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Exposing 7 Breastfeeding Myths
Has breastfeeding become an inconvenience to us as...
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Busting 5 Myths About Raising Healthy Kids
It’s not easy being a health-conscious parent raising...
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Muneeza Ahmed - Medicine Woman
Healing is my living, my purpose and my path. I’m humbled to have supported over 9,000 people in 72 countries (and counting) to heal with the perfect blend of education, support and community. If you’re ready for your journey from hope to deep healing, you’re in the right place. LEARN MORE
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Muneeza Ahmed - Medicine Woman
Healing is my living, my purpose and my path. I’m humbled to have supported over 9,000 people in 72 countries (and counting) to heal with the perfect blend of education, support and community. If you’re ready for your journey from hope to deep healing, you’re in the right place. LEARN MORE
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MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: Muneeza Ahmed (“She,” “her,” or “Ahmed”), is not a licensed medical doctor, chiropractor, osteopathic physician, naturopathic doctor, nutritionist, pharmacist, psychologist, psychotherapist, or other formally licensed healthcare professional. Ahmed, does not render medical, psychological, or other professional advice or treatment, nor does she provide or prescribe any medical diagnosis, treatment, medication, or remedy. The information provided by Ahmed and Healthy Moon, LLC will not treat or diagnose any disease, illness, or ailment and if they should experience any such issues they should see their registered physician or other practitioner as determined by their own judgment.

You understand the information provided on this website is not a substitute for health care, medical or nutritional advice of any kind. You understand and agree that you are fully responsible for your own mental and physical well being, including your dietary choices and decisions. You agree to seek medical advice as determined by your own judgment before starting any program, any form of treatment or discontinuing use of any medications as prescribed by your medical practitioner.

Nothing in this website and/or programs should be construed as healthcare advice, medical diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Information or guidance provided by Ahmed, should not be construed as a promise of benefits, a claim of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved. Ahmed, makes no guarantees or warranties related to her products or services.

