Category: Health Conditions + Symptoms

What's to Blame for our Chronic Illness Symptoms
There is a lot of confusion amongst those who are healing on their chronic illness journeys on what causes symptoms. What is the true cause of chronic illness symptoms? Often the healing protocols used,...
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Don’t do this alone. Join me.
I remember when I first got sick. I remember when I first felt alone. I remember the extreme cleanse methods that left me feeling weak and tired. This ends now. I built this membership from what I needed. During...
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How I Benefited From Detox Mastery!
As we prepare to launch a new season of Detox Mastery, I wanted to bring on some previous participants to share about their experience and how the program helped them deepen their healing. In this program...
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RESTORE: Intuitive Adrenal Reset Program
A 5-week self-paced path to more peace & energy. Learn how to use food-based protocols that unleash your body’s innate power to heal.
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Here are 3 MORE inspiring stories of healing through Medical Medium practices. I love how diverse our community is and how beautifully they speak about our community of support, kindness, and compassion...
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Meet Minal Mistry from the United Kingdom – She suffered from severe pelvic inflammation, chronic bladder pain, severe nerve pain on the scalp (burning acid feeling), multiple chemical sensitivities, facial...
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Coconut Water: The Healthiest Way to Hydrate!
If you’ve read Anthony William’s books or follow Medical Medium ® protocols for health and healing, you know how important it is to stay hydrated. Hydration is so necessary to allow your body to flush...
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Sprouts: Boost Immunity, Strengthen Bones, and Improve Mental Clarity
Today, I am so excited to share with you one of the most medicinal, healing foods you can eat. A food that is often overlooked, this Medical Medium ® Top Ten Superfood is packed with vitamins, amino acids,...
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Garlic Mullein Ear Oil Recipe
Everyone knows what garlic is. This popular spice is used in so many different foods to bring a lovely flavor to so many of our favorite dishes. For centuries, not only has garlic been used to add a lovely...
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The Incredible Healing Benefits of Fresh Ginger
Fresh ginger is a Medical Medium® Top 10 Superfood! Let's learn about the incredible healing benefits of fresh ginger.
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Let's Talk About CILANTRO!
When you follow Medical Medium® protocols and read Anthony William’s books and blogs, you know that cleansing heavy metals from the body is SO vital to your health. Unfortunately, we are exposed to heavy...
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Wild Blueberry Health Benefits
I absolutely love wild blueberries! They have such a bright, sweet flavor and a vivid color; they truly dress up any meal they are added to whether to a fresh salad, a warm breakfast, or even yummy smoothies....
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How to use a castor oil pack to slim down
I am in love with the castor oil pack. Many years ago I heard about castor oil packs, long before I went to nutrition and detox school. I immediately wanted to learn more. I began researching about the...
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Muneeza Ahmed

Hi, I'm Muneeza

I’m humbled to have supported over 11,000 people in 86 countries (and counting) to heal with the perfect blend of education, support and community. If you’re ready for your journey from hope to deep healing, you’re in the right place.



Now trending

Japanese Ginger Dressing
Japanese Ginger Dressing Do you still crave some of...
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Protect Yourself from Dengue Fever
My parents called me frantically because my sister...
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Abandoning the Standard American Diet: How to Start
As viral and bacterial superbugs become pervasive and...
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Endometriosis: The True Cause and How to Heal
A diagnosis of endometriosis can be devastating. A...
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Exposing 7 Breastfeeding Myths
Has breastfeeding become an inconvenience to us as...
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Busting 5 Myths About Raising Healthy Kids
It’s not easy being a health-conscious parent raising...
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Muneeza Ahmed - Medicine Woman
Healing is my living, my purpose and my path. I’m humbled to have supported over 9,000 people in 72 countries (and counting) to heal with the perfect blend of education, support and community. If you’re ready for your journey from hope to deep healing, you’re in the right place. LEARN MORE
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Muneeza Ahmed - Medicine Woman
Healing is my living, my purpose and my path. I’m humbled to have supported over 9,000 people in 72 countries (and counting) to heal with the perfect blend of education, support and community. If you’re ready for your journey from hope to deep healing, you’re in the right place. LEARN MORE
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MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: Muneeza Ahmed (“She,” “her,” or “Ahmed”), is not a licensed medical doctor, chiropractor, osteopathic physician, naturopathic doctor, nutritionist, pharmacist, psychologist, psychotherapist, or other formally licensed healthcare professional. Ahmed, does not render medical, psychological, or other professional advice or treatment, nor does she provide or prescribe any medical diagnosis, treatment, medication, or remedy. The information provided by Ahmed and Healthy Moon, LLC will not treat or diagnose any disease, illness, or ailment and if they should experience any such issues they should see their registered physician or other practitioner as determined by their own judgment.

You understand the information provided on this website is not a substitute for health care, medical or nutritional advice of any kind. You understand and agree that you are fully responsible for your own mental and physical well being, including your dietary choices and decisions. You agree to seek medical advice as determined by your own judgment before starting any program, any form of treatment or discontinuing use of any medications as prescribed by your medical practitioner.

Nothing in this website and/or programs should be construed as healthcare advice, medical diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Information or guidance provided by Ahmed, should not be construed as a promise of benefits, a claim of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved. Ahmed, makes no guarantees or warranties related to her products or services.

