Muneeza Ahmed

The Intuitive Healing Community

Mini Membership

Before you go -

Perhaps our Intuitive Healing Community Mini Membership is a better fit for you?

Here’s what you get EACH MONTH for only $27:

In 2024 our format is changing a bit, so with the IHC Mini Membership you’ll get:

Full Membership Mini Membership
What's included in each level of Membership $67 monthly
*$630 for annual
$27 monthly
144 Light Club Workshop
Pre-Recorded Teaching Videos with Muneeza
LIVE Sip & Chat For Practical Tips with Muneeza
LIVE Q&A w/Laser Coaching Zoom with Muneeza
LIVE Meditation Zoom with Cornelia Schenk-Hintermeyer
Support Coach Office Hours
BONUS 1: Member Questions Forum
BONUS 2: IHC Community Space

mini membership


What People Are Saying About The Intuitive Healing Community

Muneeza Ahmed


"Feeling connected in a group has alleviated some of the feeling of feeling isolated in illness. I feel encouraged and happy for every breakthrough whether my own or someone in the group. I’m so grateful for all that goes into making this program so deep, so rich, empowering, so loving, kind, fun, connective, inspiring, genuine, honest and so very true to what MM is sharing. So much integrity and compassion. ”



“This group is a lifeline! My understanding has doubled exponentially. This is just a wonderful support group. I don’t know what I would do without it!”



“I learned so much from Muneeza and guest interviews and it gives me so much courage and makes me believe that I am not alone.”



“It is my safe space. Learn something new each month and I’ve been doing MM since his first book.”



“This membership [is] soul family and Muneeza has carried me through my hardest time of life – the pandemic loneliness and challenges. I have learned so much! I am more aware, awake now, still, much to learn and repeat and digest. I am grateful for this content and will watch it again. I really understand the love and care Muneeza gives to us all. I honor her a lot”



“Muneeza allows you to take the knowledge to the next level. I am super grateful for her and the team – everyone is so caring and authentic and available. Especially in the current times, this membership made me so strong knowing what is the right thing to do and not doubting my intuition.”


Muneeza Ahmed


"This membership has given me so much hope and support. I feel so driven now to really reach a place of complete or near-complete healing. I feel hope for the future when before I was at the point of giving up.”


Muneeza Ahmed


"This is the best membership in the world and I'm not kidding. It should be taught in universities exactly like this. Never learned so much in 1 year! It really helps to understand the MM books more and how to use the information right. Also love the spiritual calls.”


Muneeza Ahmed


"The ROI is amazing, the learning is vast, the support is manifold, the atmosphere in the group is special and safe and the connection building is life-changing.”


mini membership

Muneeza Ahmed

Muneeza Ahmed

Muneeza is the Intuitive Medicine Woman®. Since 2007, she has supported over 10,000 people in 85 countries to heal from autoimmune and chronic illness so they can lead thriving, joyful lives. She also trains practitioners in the Muneeza Method®—her proprietary “healing recipe”. She is a faculty member at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies and the author of the Chutneys & Sauces: Classic Family Recipes book, soon to be released on Amazon.

Muneeza had a calling to be a medicine woman and healer starting in early childhood. She herself has suffered and healed from severe asthma, neurological Lyme disease, chronic fatigue, and eczema. She is passionate about empowering people to understand their bodies’ intuition and unique capacities to heal from within.

Muneeza was a client of Anthony William, Medical Medium®, for 7 years. She became the first practitioner to apply MM information in her practice, beginning in 2012. She is also an herbalist, a raw food nutrition coach, a health coach (from IIN and Columbia University) and is certified in multiple emotional healing modalities. She helps her clients using fruits, vegetables, wild foods, herbs, supplements, homeopathy, meditation, prayer, and intuition. When she’s not supporting others, she loves spending time with her husband and three lively daughters, who remind her every day that her true purpose in life is to be the best mom she can be.

MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: Muneeza Ahmed (“She,” “her,” or “Ahmed”), is not a licensed medical doctor, chiropractor, osteopathic physician, naturopathic doctor, nutritionist, pharmacist, psychologist, psychotherapist, or other formally licensed healthcare professional. Ahmed, does not render medical, psychological, or other professional advice or treatment, nor does she provide or prescribe any medical diagnosis, treatment, medication, or remedy. The information provided by Ahmed and Healthy Moon, LLC will not treat or diagnose any disease, illness, or ailment and if they should experience any such issues they should see their registered physician or other practitioner as determined by their own judgment.

You understand the information provided on this website is not a substitute for health care, medical or nutritional advice of any kind. You understand and agree that you are fully responsible for your own mental and physical well being, including your dietary choices and decisions. You agree to seek medical advice as determined by your own judgment before starting any program, any form of treatment or discontinuing use of any medications as prescribed by your medical practitioner.

Nothing in this website and/or programs should be construed as healthcare advice, medical diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Information or guidance provided by Ahmed, should not be construed as a promise of benefits, a claim of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved. Ahmed, makes no guarantees or warranties related to her products or services.

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