Rayyaan’s Gluten-Free Banana Pancakes

Rayyaan’s Gluten-Free Banana Pancakes

Pancakes are a family favorite in every household, am I right? Well, my house is no exception.

These gluten-free banana pancakes are the brainchild of my talented daughter, Rayyaan. She loves to cook and has become quite good.

I love it when she experiments – our family is always the beneficiary, and we are all grateful.

One morning Rayyaan was hungry and decided she wanted to make pancakes. So, without a recipe in front of her, she whipped something up…and this brilliant recipe was the result.

The best part is the incredible healing power of the ingredients she used.


A banana contains about 76% water, making it a fantastic electrolyte food. They are also packed with vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, B6, potassium, copper, and manganese.  A high glucose content makes bananas an excellent brain food and muscle builder. So as you can imagine, bananas are a perfect food for an athlete – they replenish energy and instantly revitalize the body. Bananas are a great option to take on the go – easy to stick in any purse or bag without worrying about a mess.

This incredible fruit contains very strong antifungal and antibiotic compounds, and has the ability to stop a virus in its tracks due to protease inhibitors. Furthermore, bananas promote nutrient absorption and assimilation due to high levels of fructooligosaccharides (FOS). In addition, they support the natural bacteria in the bowel, which keeps your digestive tract healthy and immune system strong.


Coconuts are a life-changing food. Medical Medium states in his book, Life-Changing Foods, that “coconuts enhance the power of anything they touch,” which means, when combined with healing foods, coconut supercharges those benefits. Coconut water is very similar to human blood. Coconuts help with insomnia by providing the right blend of mineral salts for neurotransmitter production in our brains. “Coconut meat is highly antipathogenic,” and “when coconut drops from the stomach into the intestinal tract, it kills off any pathogen it touches.”

Maple Syrup

The combination of minerals and glucose in maple syrup makes it vital to the liver – an instant fuel source.

“It’s like an IV for the liver containing the best of both worlds: a vast array of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients (many of them still undiscovered) coupled with high-quality sugar on which the liver thrives.”

Anthony William, Liver Rescue


Cinnamon has the highest antioxidant strength of all food sources – far exceeding that of any fruit or vegetable. This potent spice has been known to help shorten the duration of the flu and get rid of congestion and mucus from the body. Additionally, it can help stop yeast infections, candida, and menstrual cramps.

Cinnamon has excellent anti-cancer properties and has been shown to help reduce the growth of leukemia and lymphoma cells within the body.

The smell of cinnamon alone can help make you more alert and focused, as it boosts memory and cognitive function.


Lemons are packed with vitamins such as vitamin C and B-complex, plus they have an abundance of minerals as well – iron, calcium, magnesium, silicon, copper, and potassium. Lemons can help cleanse and detoxify the entire body.

Lemons are an incredibly alkalizing food and can help alleviate flatulence, indigestions, and constipation by helping to destroy putrefactive bacteria in the mouth and intestines. Lemons also contain limonene which can be used to dissolve gallstones and kidney stones.

Due to an abundance of bioflavonoids, lemons boost the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body.

Muneeza Ahmed

Rayyaan's Gluten-Free Banana Pancakes

Muneeza AhmedMuneeza Ahmed
These gluten-free banana pancakes are the brainchild of my talented daughter, Rayyaan. She loves to cook and has become quite good. The best part is the incredible healing power of the ingredients she used.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Course Breakfast
Cuisine American
Servings 4



  • Mix dry ingredients together first - oats, baking powder, vanilla powder, sea salt, and cinnamon.
  • In a separate bowl mash the banana and add coconut milk, lemon juice, and maple syrup…combine.
  • Then add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly to make the batter.
Keyword gluten-free, pancakes
Tried this recipe?Leave a comment!

For more incredible, kid-friendly recipes your whole family will love, check out my Flourish Kids Recipe Book. Included in this book are:

  • Drinks: 7 Recipes
  • Smoothies and Breakfast: 20 Recipes
  • Snacks, Sides and Appetizers: 11 Recipes
  • Soups and Salads 5 Recipes
  • Desserts: 12 Recipes
  • Dinners/Entrees/Quick Meals: 16 Recipes

Please leave me a comment below letting me know if you make these gluten-free banana pancakes or any of the recipes from the Flourish Kids Recipe Book. I would love to know how they turned out – your feedback is always appreciated.

To your health & happiness,


These gluten-free banana pancakes are the brainchild of my talented daughter, Rayyaan. She loves to cook and has become quite good. The best part is the incredible healing power of the ingredients she used.

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Muneeza Ahmed

Hi, I'm Muneeza

I’m humbled to have supported over 11,000 people in 86 countries (and counting) to heal with the perfect blend of education, support and community. If you’re ready for your journey from hope to deep healing, you’re in the right place.



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Muneeza Ahmed - Medicine Woman
Healing is my living, my purpose and my path. I’m humbled to have supported over 9,000 people in 72 countries (and counting) to heal with the perfect blend of education, support and community. If you’re ready for your journey from hope to deep healing, you’re in the right place. LEARN MORE
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Muneeza Ahmed - Medicine Woman
Healing is my living, my purpose and my path. I’m humbled to have supported over 9,000 people in 72 countries (and counting) to heal with the perfect blend of education, support and community. If you’re ready for your journey from hope to deep healing, you’re in the right place. LEARN MORE
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MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: Muneeza Ahmed (“She,” “her,” or “Ahmed”), is not a licensed medical doctor, chiropractor, osteopathic physician, naturopathic doctor, nutritionist, pharmacist, psychologist, psychotherapist, or other formally licensed healthcare professional. Ahmed, does not render medical, psychological, or other professional advice or treatment, nor does she provide or prescribe any medical diagnosis, treatment, medication, or remedy. The information provided by Ahmed and Healthy Moon, LLC will not treat or diagnose any disease, illness, or ailment and if they should experience any such issues they should see their registered physician or other practitioner as determined by their own judgment.

You understand the information provided on this website is not a substitute for health care, medical or nutritional advice of any kind. You understand and agree that you are fully responsible for your own mental and physical well being, including your dietary choices and decisions. You agree to seek medical advice as determined by your own judgment before starting any program, any form of treatment or discontinuing use of any medications as prescribed by your medical practitioner.

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