Homemade Coconut Yogurt (No Ferment)

Homemade Coconut Yogurt (No Ferment)

Homemade Coconut Yogurt (No Ferment)

This Homemade Coconut Yogurt is incredibly easy and quick to make. My recipe is a no ferment coconut yogurt. Why is that important?

Medical Medium states that fermented food is not helpful to our guts. The ‘bacteria’ found in fermented foods (also known as probiotics) are not beneficial to digestion. The bacteria involved in fermentation are the bacteria of decay. They are the same bacteria that make your strawberries get moldy. We don’t eat moldy food, so why are we ok with fermented foods? Our body does its best to expel the bacteria that cause decay in our bodies as quickly as possible. After consuming fermented foods, the body will often drive a bowel movement to remove the decay bacteria. People often mistake this for a ‘healthy’ sign that the probiotics are doing their job.

What are the good bacteria for our guts?

These are found on the surface of freshly picked fruits and vegetables and are called elevated biotics. They make it past the hydrochloric acid in our stomach, and when they enter the intestines, they make their home in our ileum and appendix. Here, their job is to produce B12 and support and back up the liver.

Without fermentation, we obtain a lot more nutrition from coconuts! Coconuts are a life-changing food. Medical Medium states in his book, Life Changing Foods, that “coconuts enhance the power of anything they touch”, which means, when combined with healing foods, coconut supercharges those benefits. Coconut water is very similar to human blood. Coconuts help with insomnia by providing the right blend of mineral salts for neurotransmitter production in our brains. “Coconut meat is highly antipathogenic” and “when coconut drops from the stomach into the intestinal tract, it kills off any pathogen it touches.”

Homemade Coconut Yogurt

Homemade Coconut Yogurt (No Ferment)

Muneeza AhmedMuneeza Ahmed
This Homemade Coconut Yogurt is incredibly easy and quick to make. My recipe is a no ferment coconut yogurt.



  • Coconut milk in a can will naturally separate the cream on top and the water on the bottom.
  • When you open the can, remove only the thick, creamy part of the coconut milk from the can.
  • Be careful not to let the cream mix with the water.
  • Blend the coconut cream and lemon juice together.
  • Store your homemade coconut yogurt in the fridge and use it as needed.
  • It remains good in the refrigerator for up to a week without fermenting.
  • If you leave it longer, it will start to ferment slowly.


If you avoid fermented food, use it up within the week, even though it will be good to eat even after a week. 
This Homemade Coconut Yogurt works well in my Vegan Tzatziki Sauce recipe as well.
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Muneeza Ahmed

Hi, I'm Muneeza

I’m humbled to have supported over 11,000 people in 86 countries (and counting) to heal with the perfect blend of education, support and community. If you’re ready for your journey from hope to deep healing, you’re in the right place.



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Muneeza Ahmed - Medicine Woman
Healing is my living, my purpose and my path. I’m humbled to have supported over 9,000 people in 72 countries (and counting) to heal with the perfect blend of education, support and community. If you’re ready for your journey from hope to deep healing, you’re in the right place. LEARN MORE
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Muneeza Ahmed - Medicine Woman
Healing is my living, my purpose and my path. I’m humbled to have supported over 9,000 people in 72 countries (and counting) to heal with the perfect blend of education, support and community. If you’re ready for your journey from hope to deep healing, you’re in the right place. LEARN MORE
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MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: Muneeza Ahmed (“She,” “her,” or “Ahmed”), is not a licensed medical doctor, chiropractor, osteopathic physician, naturopathic doctor, nutritionist, pharmacist, psychologist, psychotherapist, or other formally licensed healthcare professional. Ahmed, does not render medical, psychological, or other professional advice or treatment, nor does she provide or prescribe any medical diagnosis, treatment, medication, or remedy. The information provided by Ahmed and Healthy Moon, LLC will not treat or diagnose any disease, illness, or ailment and if they should experience any such issues they should see their registered physician or other practitioner as determined by their own judgment.

You understand the information provided on this website is not a substitute for health care, medical or nutritional advice of any kind. You understand and agree that you are fully responsible for your own mental and physical well being, including your dietary choices and decisions. You agree to seek medical advice as determined by your own judgment before starting any program, any form of treatment or discontinuing use of any medications as prescribed by your medical practitioner.

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