Medicinal Tea
- 1 Tea Kettle
- 1 Tbsp tea of each of the following: lemon balm, thyme, burdock root, and red clover
- 3-4 tsp raw honey
- 4-5 cups filtered or spring water
- 1 cup orange juice
- 1 Tbsp rose petals (from a herbal store or online)
- Warm water to just below boiling.
- Place herbs in a teapot and add water.
- Wait until it’s cool enough to put your pinky in without burning.
- Then add in the raw honey and orange juice.
- At the end, add the rose petals.
- At the end, add the rose petals.
This medicinal tea will soothe your body and put your mind at ease while helping to heal your chronic conditions.
The ingredients I use for this medicinal tea are healing on a deep cellular level. Let’s take a look:
Burdock Root
Burdock root has incredible anti-tumor, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties. A powerful remedy for colds, flu, sore throats, bronchial congestion, ulcers, gallstones, anemia, kidney stones, chicken pox, gout, measles, strep throat, urinary tract infections, bladder infections, hepatitis, and enlarged prostates.
Additionally, burdock root is a critical blood purifier and detoxifier due to its ability to neutralize and safely eliminate toxins from the body. It is also very helpful for treating skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, and shingles. Plus, its powerful anti-inflammatory properties make it helpful for auto-immune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, bursitis, lupus, and diabetes.
Thyme is a powerful herb for fighting off colds and flus as it has the ability to kill off bacteria and viruses and contains antiseptic properties as well. It is high in vitamins A, E, C, K, B-complex, and folate. Additionally, thyme is an excellent source of calcium, iron, manganese, selenium, and potassium.
This medicinal herb can also help stimulate memory, prevent nightmares, relieve headaches and muscle aches, soothe coughs, reduce fevers, and fight infections. Thyme has extremely high antioxidant levels and bioflavonoids, which have been shown to help eliminate free radicals in the body.
Add to the ingredients the incredible healing power of raw honey (listen to the Medical Medium® podcast on raw honey – your mind will be blown), and you have a truly medicinal tea with a sweet, soothing flavor that you will want to sip warm or cold.
I absolutely love this herbal combination. Of course, you are welcome to use other herbs. If you have an issue that you are working with specifically. I especially love the rose petals as they confer a very soothing and heart-opening flavor to the tea, and I always feel like I am taking such decadent care of myself by adding this one ingredient.
During this time of year, we need to be especially vigilant when it comes to protecting ourselves against pathogens. And if we are exposed and come down with something, I want you to have the right tools at home to make healing naturally possible.
This medicinal tea is certainly a wonderful addition to your healing arsenal. But to take your healing to the next level, check out my FREE Pathogen Exposure Guide, where you will find supplement dosages I have never shared before.
You will learn about what to do to prevent, heal and support your body before, during, and after pathogen exposure. Plus, get access to amazing tips on what supplement to use, how to use them, and at which dosages. I also share how to use the supplements correctly to recover from your symptoms and post-recovery support.
This FREE guide is packed with information you don’t want to miss!
To your health & happiness,