Appendix, Pancreas, And Gallbladder Emergencies – What You Need To Know

Appendix, Pancreas, And Gallbladder Emergencies – What You Need To Know

Appendix, pancreas, and gallbladder emergencies are rising; I want to arm you with the information to handle such situations. Here’s what you need to know.

Recently I have observed a trend that we are back to pre-pandemic level cases of appendicitis, pancreatitis, and gallbladder inflammation. More of my clients are struggling with these conditions. ​​They are left bewildered – not knowing what hit them or what happened. Often they end up in the ER without a conclusive result or with a recommendation for emergency surgery and intravenous antibiotics. In an emergency, these are good recommendations.

I want you to know that you can avoid such outcomes. Below I will share with you how to be prepared for these outcomes should you face them.

Unfortunately, all chronic illness is on the rise. We live in a very toxic environment at this time in history. Chemicals and toxins constantly bombard us; add to that our incredibly unhealthy food supply, many medical treatments, and rise in pharmaceutical use, plus the issue of generational toxicity (which means with every generation, our internal toxicity builds and gets passed down to the next generation). At this point in the history of our earth, we are overwhelmingly toxic. The dramatic rise in chronic illness illustrates the evidence of this.

Keeping this in mind, let’s dive into the gallbladder and what is truly behind gallbladder inflammation.

Gallbladder Inflammation and Acute Gallbladder Attacks

Your gallbladder is filling with debris (aka sludge) – this is where the toxins, chemicals, and pathogens from your daily life end up. As you age, the sludge builds and weakens the gallbladder.

The sensation of pain on the right side of your abdomen may be caused by the stores of sludge getting heavy and creating pressure.

Food poisoning is another source of injury to your gallbladder. The pathogens that cause food poisoning find their way into your gallbladder, wreaking havoc and causing inflammation.

Believe it or not, your bile plays a pivotal role in protecting your gallbladder. When you have strong bile, your liver will kick in to produce bile that can destroy unproductive microorganisms while preserving the good bacteria and beneficial microorganisms.

According to Medical Medium®, bile is the “greatest probiotic.”

With age and an unhealthy lifestyle, the sludge builds in your gallbladder and weakens the organ. As the liver has been so weakened over time, your bile will not be able to enter your gallbladder with the strength necessary to help it heal. Thus, the next time you experience even mild food poisoning, it could lead to an inflamed gallbladder or chronic gallbladder spasms due to a pathogen finding its way inside.

The Strep Factor

Gallbladder inflammation can arise from infection. Streptococcus plays a significant role in this.

Strep can enter your gallbladder and weaken its lining over time, creating crevices and pits. These crevices provide a comfortable place for the strep bacteria to settle.

What can dislodge the strep from these crevices?…healthy, strong bile!

“…healthy, strong bile also holds the building blocks for tissue repair inside the gallbladder.”
Anthony William, Liver Rescue

Unhealthy lifestyles and our toxic environment has burned out our liver’s bile production. Without the strong bile to protect the gallbladder, strep eventually infects the organ causing inflammation.

The Strep Factor & Appendicitis

Strep is the leading factor for appendicitis. Even chronic appendicitis is caused by strep. Strep bacteria causes the appendix to deteriorate and become inflamed.

Appendicitis is often precipitated by food poisoning. However, the appendix has to have been weakened already (by strep bacteria). The strep factor is often present even if your appendicitis was not caused by food poisoning.

Why is strep so prevalent in the appendix?

Your immune system is highly active in the appendix. Thus, the appendix lures unproductive bacteria such as strep so that the immune system will kill the harmful bacteria.
However, if the immune system isn’t strong enough and there is too much strep that has been present for too many years, this can wear out your appendix – leading to an acute rupture or inflammatory condition.

“Pathogens look for weak spots, so if someone has a sensitive appendix and bacteria are raging through the intestinal tract looking for places to interfere, they could create appendicitis, too, adding to the pain and prompting a surgeon to call for an appendectomy.”
– Anthony William, Celery Juice


The pancreas is yet another organ that becomes vulnerable with a weakened liver.

“For any pancreas issue whatsoever, the liver is really important to straighten it out so you can get better, heal, and regain full pancreas function.”
Anthony William, Liver Rescue

Pancreatitis can occur as a result of a pathogen inflaming the organ, such as from food poisoning, like E.Coli or ongoing growth of strep bacteria. With an overburdened liver, pathogens can travel more easily to other organs. Another instigator of pancreatitis is a gallbladder flush which puts enormous stress on the pancreas, causing inflammation.


Begin Healing

If you are dealing with inflammation in the gallbladder, appendix, or pancreas, it is time to take action! The best place to start is by removing the foods that feed pathogens (eggs, dairy, wheat/gluten, corn, soy, and canola oil being the heaviest hitters) and bringing in celery juice.


Helpful Foods And Supplements

The proper foods are essential healing tools. Knowing what foods are best for your particular situation is critical. Anthony’s book Life-Changing Foods discusses what foods are best for specific symptoms.


figs kiwis lemons/limes aloe
pears garlic Licorice root

Gallbladder Disease

apricots bananas cranberries papayas
Leafy greens

Gallbladder Inflammation

celery potatoes Atlantic sea vegetables dandelion

Pancreas Inflammation


Helpful Aromatic Herbs

oregano rosemary sage thyme

The most helpful supplements…

B12 Barley grass juice powder Cat’s claw Eyebright
Ginger Goldenseal Lemon balm Licorice root
Lomatium Mullein leaf Oil of oregano* Olive leaf
Peppermint Rose hips Thyme Vitamin C (as Micro-C)
Zinc (as liquid zinc sulfate)

*To prevent food poisoning you must have a capsule of oil of oregano before every meal that you eat out at a restaurant or friend’s home.

The key focus when dealing with appendix, pancreas, and gallbladder issues must be strengthening your liver.


Moving Forward

I want to share our most popular masterclass with you.

Chronic illness is at an all-time high, and it is critical to learn the root causes of our symptoms and conditions and what steps to take to heal them. To help you with this, I have created a Masterclass: Understanding The Root Causes Of Chronic Illness.

In this course, you will learn:

  • what root causes create your symptoms
  • how to heal whether you have a diagnosis or not
  • what is the viral explosion, and why this is the biggest reason you have symptoms
  • how to address each of the four root causes and how to heal
  • about EBV, shingles, and other pathogens and how they contribute to your symptoms
  • why cleansing toxic heavy metals is crucial to reverse symptoms
  • the tools to reverse symptoms now

Understanding The Root Causes of Chronic Illness

My goal is to help empower you to help yourself and your loved ones!

To your health & happiness,

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Muneeza Ahmed

Hi, I'm Muneeza

I’m humbled to have supported over 11,000 people in 86 countries (and counting) to heal with the perfect blend of education, support and community. If you’re ready for your journey from hope to deep healing, you’re in the right place.



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Muneeza Ahmed - Medicine Woman
Healing is my living, my purpose and my path. I’m humbled to have supported over 9,000 people in 72 countries (and counting) to heal with the perfect blend of education, support and community. If you’re ready for your journey from hope to deep healing, you’re in the right place. LEARN MORE
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MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: Muneeza Ahmed (“She,” “her,” or “Ahmed”), is not a licensed medical doctor, chiropractor, osteopathic physician, naturopathic doctor, nutritionist, pharmacist, psychologist, psychotherapist, or other formally licensed healthcare professional. Ahmed, does not render medical, psychological, or other professional advice or treatment, nor does she provide or prescribe any medical diagnosis, treatment, medication, or remedy. The information provided by Ahmed and Healthy Moon, LLC will not treat or diagnose any disease, illness, or ailment and if they should experience any such issues they should see their registered physician or other practitioner as determined by their own judgment.

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