We have all had a poor night’s sleep on occasion, and know just how difficult it can be to function on all cylinders the next day. For those who suffer with chronic sleep conditions, exhaustion may have you feeling on the verge of a mental and physical breakdown. Even if you do not fit into the category of “chronic” sleep conditions, it is critical for everyone to learn how to harness the healing power of a good night’s sleep.
The Root Cause of Sleep Disorders
When searching for answers as to why a sound night’s sleep eludes you, conventional medicine often points to stress, anxiety, grief, depression, too much screen time, restless legs, chronic pain, etc. Sleep remains very much a medical guessing game. While these symptoms contribute to our lack of sleep, we must continue to dig deeper and understand what is actually causing these symptoms. For example, sluggish liver, sensitive intestinal lining, and adrenal fatigue. As well as heightened levels of toxic heavy metals and MSG which interrupt brain and nerve signals. And, possibly the biggest instigator of symptoms, your viral load (Epstein-Barr leading the charge).
Foods to Help You Sleep
When trying to heal various sleep issues, it is important to know what foods best aid in the process of a good night’s sleep. Some of the most helpful foods for sleep aid are:
Mangoes, bananas, cherries, asparagus, spinach, celery, lettuce, pomegranates, licorice root, wild blueberries, garlic, cilantro, and sweet potatoes. In addition, focus on bringing in berries, dates, lemons, limes, potatoes, radishes, turmeric, ginger, coconut water, sprouts, lemon balm, cat’s claw, raw honey, artichokes, avocados, and grapes. Whatever time of day you eat these foods, they will gear themselves to your needs at that time…meaning, do not avoid them for fear they will make you sleepy, feel free to eat them at any time.
Laws of Sleep
While the causes of what disrupts your sleep may seem overwhelming, it is important to know there is a way forward. There are secrets you can employ to ensure that you get the restful, healing sleep you deserve. From the moment you are born you are owed sleep. Every waking breath you take, you earn more sleep. Sleep is actually a divine, metaphysical right. It is essential that we understand the laws of sleep.
Sleep Wellspring – It is divine law that with every waking breath you take, you earn two seconds of sleep to use at any time you wish. This can never be taken from you. All those sleepless nights, for whatever reason, can be made up. You can always go back and access the sleep you couldn’t use at an earlier time.
Sleep Allowance – Knowing that you have a set amount of sleep that you have accrued over the years should help you relax. Understand that it will not go away, it is yours to use with no fear of expiration.
Sacred Sleep Window
There is actually a certain time when sleep is the most beneficial, when our bodies do the majority healing, and that is between the hours of 10:00pm to 2:00am, this is your sacred sleep window…if you work a night shift, your healing hours change from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Please understand that you do still heal even when you are unable to sleep. Our bodies are so incredible, that even if you are lying down between the hours of 10:00pm and 2:00am, your body is still healing. Even though you are conscious, some part of your brain is actually sleeping.
Often, we think of naps for young children and the elderly, but I have great news, naps benefit everyone of all ages. The best window for napping is from 10:00am to 2:00pm (and from 10:00pm to 2:00am if you work a night shift).
Using these sleep windows to your advantage will render amazing healing benefits.
Angel of Sleep
One more incredible tool to aid you in a successfully restful night’s sleep is calling upon the Angel of Sleep. The Angel of Sleep is always there for you. Whenever you are having difficulty falling asleep, speak her name aloud and ask her to help you in accessing your sleep wellspring. More effective than any sleeping pill, the Angel of Sleep will watch over you as you drift into the subconscious.
Continued Momentum
While sleep issues are frustrating and often debilitating, please know that you can heal. It will take time for your body to cleanse itself of toxins, heal, and rebuild…so, in the meantime, please keep the laws of sleep in mind. Know that you have your sleep account and that you deserve to sleep. In addition, use the specific foods and supplements (also found in Thyroid Healing as well as Cleanse to Heal), and always remember to communicate with the Angel of Sleep, she wants to hear from you. You have an amazing opportunity to empower yourself by implementing this knowledge. Before you know it, you will be enjoying the benefits of a full night’s sleep!
**For a more in-depth examination of sleep and the root causes of sleep issues, please sign up for The Intuitive Healing Community – this month has been about all things sleep.