In the Intuitive Healing Community, we know that the healing path takes work.
There are breakthroughs followed by setbacks.
Good days and bad days.
Success stories are often the result of several years of commitment to healing; detox does not happen overnight, and recovery takes time.
It takes patience, faith, and commitment to transform our bodies from struggling to thriving. Share on XFor these reasons, it is so powerful when we hear stories of recovery. We’d like to share an amazing healing story with you today.
A story of a member of our Intuitive Healing Community (IHC, for short) named Nirmal, who was able to leave mattress island, turn around extreme digestive challenges, including Chron’s disease, and return to participating fully in his life.
I’m humbled to be a piece of Nirmal’s story and honored to share it here.
I’d also like to tell you about our Intuitive Healing Community, where Nirmal found me and my team.
Just before the pandemic, I knew I wanted to do more to support the millions of people worldwide suffering from chronic illnesses.
I had already supported over 9,000 clients in 80 countries in 2019, but I wanted to build a support system outside my direct work with clients.
I knew those who were struggling needed more – they needed a support system, somewhere to share their stories and ask questions, and a place to learn and grow and overcome illness together.
So the Intuitive Healing Community was born.
When struggling with chronic symptoms like brain fog, eczema, acne, anxiety, depression, nerve pain, fatigue, bloating, and painful periods, it can feel like you’re alone.
Community is crucial for healing. Share on XThis became even more obvious to me during the pandemic.
In the Intuitive Healing Community, we processed together instead of struggling alone. We were all isolated by the pandemic restrictions but in IHC, we were going through it together.
Members of the Intuitive Healing Community could come to me, other practitioners, and their fellow members with questions, concerns, and answers related to anything they were experiencing.
I watched as Intuitive Healing Community members went from fear to relief, from unstable to supported. This plays out every day in IHC.
We’ve grown to over 700 members representing dozens of countries, and we have exciting plans to grow and expand this community of healing warriors to something unique and powerful.
Interested in learning more about the Intuitive Healing Community? Click here!
Before we get to Nirmal’s story, I’ll tell you briefly what the Intuitive Healing Community involves.
Every month, we focus on a new theme.
For example, June is Supplements and Chemical Sensitivity Month. May was Mental Health Month.
Once per month, I prepare a teaching call focused on that month’s topic. These calls often last up to two hours and involve an in-depth exploration of the topic we’re focused on, inspired and guided by the Medical Medium ® books, information, and healing protocols.
Intuitive Healing Community members can ask questions any time about the current month’s topic in our online community Forum. I personally respond with a team of experienced practitioners I have either directly worked with or trained.
IHC members can also ask questions about a symptom or condition they are experiencing, and receive guidance and support from me, the practitioner team (called Support Coaches), and other community members.
We also offer a monthly live group meditation call, group prayer call, and emotional support call to support members spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.
After our monthly teaching call, members can pose one standalone question directly to me that will feed into a monthly live question-and-answer call with member coaching.
During this call, I dive into member questions and invite certain members to join me live onscreen for coaching that will offer support to other members who are present.
This is a powerful call, where lightbulbs go off, and healing progress is made.
Looking to boost your brain health, or finally overcome brain-related symptoms that you’ve been struggling with, like brain fog, anxiety, depression, fatigue, depersonalization, or difficulty sleeping?
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Every month, we invite guests from the wellness community to join us for an interview.
Last month, we were fortunate enough to be joined by Dr. Nguyen Phan (@mdwithspirit on Instagram), a practicing medical doctor based in Texas who has years of experience applying both his traditional medical training alongside Medical Medium ® protocols to help his patients regain their health.
Our Community Forum also contains a Healing Library with a database where members can search for symptoms or conditions.
So, if a member is struggling with acne, they can search “acne” in our healing library and discover a wealth of information about the root causes of acne and how to heal.
This Healing Library contains a massive amount of information, including historical member questions and answers from every past year of the Intuitive Healing Community Forum.
The final element of Intuitive Healing Community membership is our Community Space.
The Community Space is a safe online space where IHC members can share their progress, ask for prayers and support, swap recipes, ask for recommendations from other members about where to shop, and more.
The Community Space is also where we offer our monthly giveaways exclusive to Intuitive Healing Community members.
Last month we gave away a set of both Brain Saver books by Anthony William and a DaTerra ceramic wok.
This month we will give away another Brain Saver set to one member, and another member will receive an $89 gift certificate to Miami Fruit in the United States or an equivalent fruit delivery service in their home country.
We’ve done our best to create a space that serves healing, first and foremost. The critical aspects of healing are accurate information, applying that information, and, most importantly, support.
This is Nirmal, from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. This is a testimonial email, it is also a letter of gratitude to dear Muneeza and the Intuitive Healing Community and a witness statement to the healing I’ve encountered so far using available Medical Medium ® protocols.

When I first came across MM information, I faced various challenges in adopting them. For starters, I don’t get celery where I live. It is not a common ingredient here, but rather an expensive/exclusive one.
The same goes for wild blueberries, barley grass juice powder, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, etc. These crucial healing foods were unattainable to me.
The biggest challenge, however, was the state I was in – on mattress island, literally inching closer to death each day.
While reading Medical Medium information, I could identify that I was having almost every neurological symptom he mentions. This on top of the effects of Crohn’s/colitis I was suffering from.
I couldn’t stomach any of the healing foods.

At the start of the journey, I couldn’t even tolerate potato mono. I would throw up everything. My abdomen would be in knots! I honestly didn’t understand what was happening or what to do.
It was at this time that I found Muneeza.
Initially, I subscribed to the monthly Intuitive Healing Community membership and got the opportunity to interact with her on a live Q&A call.
She was most kind, and generous, and even in that short amount of time, she broke it down to address the immediate issues first, with all the foods that are easily available where I am.
Muneeza pointed out what they are and how I could incorporate them.
It was the first ray of light that helped me find healing. That was in the November of 2021.
The following month, the day after Christmas, I lost my father to complications from a lung infection, kidney failure, etc.
2022 was spent mourning both my father and my health, but thanks to the Intuitive Healing Community, it was also dedicated to healing through Medical Medium information.
I was able to join the Intuitive Healing Community membership for the entire year, and I cannot tell you how much, HOW MUCH, it helped me break down the mountain of information into doable smaller parts.
Listening to Muneeza, I began to focus on the healing foods easily available to me, such as potatoes, bananas, & papayas – all of the mono foods that are relatively much cheaper to procure.
I began to rotate them every meal since I couldn’t tolerate one of them throughout.
Celery was unattainable, but cucumber was a silent savior. I am a testament to its healing powers. It is a worthy substitute for celery.
Spinach is a produce item that is cheaper than lettuce here. I began to incorporate its juice till I could stomach it for at least an hour in my system.
Then I tried the spinach soup, loaded with honey, so that I can tolerate its taste. I focused on eating fewer foods but in increased quantity.
As Anthony and Muneeza say, I began to become my own investigator and modify the foods based on my personal circumstances.

This was all possible thanks to Muneeza and the Intuitive Healing Community.
I was just going this way, taking it one day at a time, one meal, one food at a time, when one day, in one of her teaching calls, I realized that I could technically do an advanced 369 cleanse with cucumber juice instead of celery juice.
I had access to the required ingredients or their substitutes.
So I began to prepare for it by testing those foods on me so my system was not shocked by the amount of healing foods coming in.
In September of 2022, 3 months before my birthday, I did two advanced Liver Rescue 369 cleanses.
I cannot, in words, express what a miracle it was; a milestone in my healing journey; what it meant to me to be able to do this, all thanks to Muneeza and the Intuitive Healing Community.
I am writing this email from my hometown, back with my folks for the holidays, a few days after observing the first anniversary of my dad’s passing. These past couple of weeks have been a lot to process.
But I am the miracle that is able to encounter all that God wants me to.
Being back has made me realize how much I have healed to be able to do all this, how much I want to grow in this, how much I want to be a witness, a mouth-piece to the truth in Medical Medium information, and how much Muneeza and the Intuitive Healing Community are sanctuaries for people like me.
I don’t know what I’ll make of my life, what I’ll achieve, or what I could do, but my only prayer has been to be a witness to God, to be an instrument of His glory, and I feel Medical Medium is the very building block of being all that God wants me to be.

In all honesty, I couldn’t do justice to Muneeza’s contribution.
My healing has just begun, really, but thanks to Medical Medium, Spirit of Compassion, and thanks to Muneeza, I know I’ve encountered the truth; there’s no rush now. This is not a race. This will be my life.
I want to thank Muneeza personally, and I hope she’ll read this.
Her work changed my life. It truly humbled my arrogance & ego to witness the strength in compassion, that true courage in speaking the truth is through compassion.
She inspires me to reach out, to ask for help, to stand up for truth.
Muneeza is my spirit sister (I think of her as “akka,” “older sister” in Tamil), who’ll continue to guide me.
I pray that God will enable me to demonstrate such kindness and qualities to another child of Hers.
The Intuitive Healing Community is a sanctuary for people like me.
Thank you so much for reading this. Much gratitude <3
Nirmal P Benjhamin
We would be thrilled to invite you to join us in the Intuitive Healing Community. We have big plans to expand what this community can do for its members, and it’s an exciting time to join.
A perfect time actually! Starting today, we are offering a significant discount to any new members who wish to join for the remaining six months of the year.
Instead of paying $402, or $67 per month, for six months of membership, during our sale (which lasts through June 30), new members will pay only $333.
This is like paying for five months but receiving six months of membership!
Act quickly, because we won’t offer a discount this significant for at least the next six months. And I assure you, the investment of your time spent in membership will be worth it.
CLICK HERE to learn more and take advantage of our once-a-year sale!
I still remember a study I learned about when I was first beginning as a healing practitioner studying at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) in New York City.
This study was carried out by a Dr. Stewart Wolf, former head of Medicine of the University of Oklahoma, in Roseto, Pennsylvania, and was published by the American Medical Association in 1964.
Dr. Wolf focused on heart health and sought to understand why the Italian American community in Roseto had a far lower incidence of heart attacks than other populations, despite unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking and drinking.
The research team observed that the community bonds were unusually strong within this community of Italian Americans.
Dr. Wolf said, “The community was very cohesive. Houses were very close together, and everyone lived more or less alike.” Elders were revered and incorporated into community life. Housewives were respected, and fathers ran the families.
The researchers’ conclusion of the study determined that having strong community relationships helps prevent heart disease. The results of this study coined a term known as “The Roseto Effect,” which shows the power of community on health. You can read more here.
In other words, we suffer when we are isolated.
Even the US National Library of Medicine describes the truth of the Roseto Effect, which is striking since mainstream medical organizations rarely acknowledge diet, nutrition, emotional, or spiritual impacts on health.
This is why I built the Intuitive Healing Community.
Nobody should struggle alone.
Community is powerful. It can mean the difference between progress and setbacks.
I know how alone I’ve felt during the most challenging moments of my life when struggling with my health. Without the support of my family and friends, I would have been lost.
I never want you to feel lost.
My team and I would be honored to support your healing journey starting today. And if you feel inspired to join our Intuitive Healing Community, I know you will benefit.
I look forward to getting to know you and guiding you.
Reach out to, and we will be happy to provide answers.
Or, click the live chat button on the bottom right of this page, and a team member will respond as soon as possible.
To your health and peace,