How to Breathe Cleaner Air

How to Breathe Cleaner Air

Why should we care about air quality?

The topic of air quality has been at the forefront of my mind for a long time. The air we breathe is constantly flowing in and out of our bodies. Usually, unless the air quality is bad enough to affect our breathing, we don’t tend to think about the contaminants that are in the air. But if you’ve had lung or breathing issues like I have, you find yourself aware of the intimate connection we have to the air that keeps us alive and the damaging effect that airborne toxins can have on our bodies. Even if you don’t have breathing issues, if you have been chronically ill, whether you realize it or not, your well-being ebbs and flows with the quality of the air you breathe. 

If you are concerned about cancer, you will want to take pause to consider the toxins in the air. We know from Anthony William that cancers are caused by the combination of EBV and toxins. Smoking is the #1 cause of lung cancer, followed by radon, second-hand smoke, and asbestos. I bet you’re thinking, “OK, then I don’t really need to worry about lung cancer. I don’t smoke and those other toxins aren’t something I come in contact with.” But what if I told you that the World Health Organization (WHO) officially added outdoor air pollution, especially particulate matter, to that list in 2013. We already know about the widespread prevalence of EBV, and now that we consider that the very air we breathe may be providing toxins – the second component that leads to cancer, we can see why we should care about air quality.

Anthony William recently did a podcast on chemtrails. Did you get a chance to listen to it? His podcast underlines the importance we should place on air quality. These “man-made poison trails” are of consequence to all of us. But we do not need to fear or lose hope. It may seem bleak when we realize we are breathing in poisons, and the earth is being damaged. But there is hope. We can save ourselves, and we can save the fruit – our precious source of health. Knowledge is power, and that knowledge empowers us to protect ourselves and protect our earth. We can make changes in our homes to protect our families where we spend the majority of our time. I want you to be able to protect your family the way that I protect mine, so I am sharing my best tips for cleaning the air in your home here.

Step #1 – Do your best to not further pollute the air in your home with chemicals.

Ban air fresheners, chemical-laden cleaning supplies, fragranced personal care products, pesticides, etc. from your home. Just don’t use anything that is going to release toxins into the air in your home. The leading brands of cleaning supplies and personal care products can be incredibly toxic and include chemical combinations that do not need to be disclosed to you. This is because manufacturers are allowed to keep these toxic chemical combinations restricted. They call them “trade secrets” and use the catch-all term of “fragrance” to stand for hundreds of chemicals, many harmful to your health. There are safer alternatives.

Do not bring products into your home that will off-gas. When buying new furniture, carpet, etc., seek out clean options that will not contribute to the air pollution in your home. Cleaner options can be more expensive and will require planning and saving to acquire. But your health is worth the time and money spent to protect it.

Step #2 – Purify the air in your home

You can affect the air quality that you breathe the most – the air in your home. My top choice for doing this is by using the IQ Air in the rooms you spend the most time. Of course, I totally understand that this option may not work financially for everyone. There are low cost options for improving your home’s air quality. Read on for these alternatives.

Step #3 – Bring nature and plants inside

My favorite, budget option to purify the air in your home is house plants. Bring indoor plants, like Peace Lily and Spider plants, into your home to clean the air and add the beauty of nature to your living spaces.

The more plants you bring into your home, the cleaner your inside air will be. Plants have a great way of cleaning the air on the inside, absorbing poisons, and adding more oxygen to the air in your home. Environments with higher levels of oxygen are better for our heart, brain and blood. And are clearer of toxins and poisons. 

Step #4 – Use charcoal 

If you are dealing with an air contaminant, like a piece of toxic furniture or the forest fires, you can place trays of charcoal powder near the windows and doors to absorb the smell of the smoke and reduce the levels of toxicity in your home. 

Step #5 – Check the Air Quality Index 

If you do not have an Air Quality meter for your home, you can check the Air Quality Index for your town or city and obtain a daily update before you open the windows to let in ‘fresh’ air. If the reading is showing high toxicity, I would recommend keeping the windows closed. Note, that with higher humidity, the air is thicker and thus fuller of chemtrail poisons. On those days, keep your windows shut. 

Reducing toxins in our environment is a key step in achieving and maintaining good health. Air is the first step. We also need to pay attention to the toxins that enter us through our water and skin. Greening our homes is important for protecting ourselves and the environment. For this reason, I recently revamped my Greening Your Home masterclass to include new information, revised links, and a BRAND NEW Beauty Guide w/ an in-depth Video where I’ve shared all my favorites with you + teaching on HOW to read a beauty label. This masterclass covers purifying the air you breathe, the water you drink, your environment, and your skin – and protecting those precious necessities from contamination. To learn more about my Greening Your Home masterclass, click here.  

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Muneeza Ahmed

Hi, I'm Muneeza

I’m humbled to have supported over 11,000 people in 86 countries (and counting) to heal with the perfect blend of education, support and community. If you’re ready for your journey from hope to deep healing, you’re in the right place.



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Muneeza Ahmed - Medicine Woman
Healing is my living, my purpose and my path. I’m humbled to have supported over 9,000 people in 72 countries (and counting) to heal with the perfect blend of education, support and community. If you’re ready for your journey from hope to deep healing, you’re in the right place. LEARN MORE
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