In today’s world everyone is suffering from some level of chronic illness. This is not something we chose. We may have chosen to be human, but we did not choose to have chronic illness – this was done to us. How do we break free from the chronic illness loop?
When we don’t choose something, we automatically go into resistance. Resistance is the first step in being forced to deal with something that we didn’t choose. This causes us to go into survival mode.
While in survival mode, PTSD can show up. This state of reaction (survival mode) also triggers a specific type of corrosive adrenaline to be excreted. While not all adrenaline is survival mode adrenaline, every time we are in survival mode we become adrenalized.
Why do we go into resistance?
We go into resistance because we are not able to accept our condition or situation. We cannot accept it because it is not something we chose. Resistance causes us to go into survival mode, also known as fight or flight. This is the result of the various fears we experience when we learn we have chronic illness:
- Fear of dying
- Fear if never healing
- Fear of not having enough money to heal
- Fear of not having enough energy to heal
- Fear of constant suffering
- Fear of not having enough support
All of this fear can lead to panic and anxiety attacks.
The fear, in turn, leads to our symptoms escalating, thus sending us back around this “loop of suffering” again.
The Loop of Suffering
Many of us, when we first get sick, get stuck in this loop. This is a very difficult place to be, a very hellish place where we feel despair and alone in our suffering. At this point, we do not yet have the truthful information we need to begin the healing process.
Break Free From The Chronic Illness Loop of Suffering
The way out of this loop is through finding truthful knowledge about what is actually going on in your body and why – Medical Medium information is that truth. This knowledge of the truth will lead you to acceptance and ultimately healing.
When you are able to accept what has happened to you, because you have found the truth…the fact that you did not cause your illness and chronic suffering, this is the springboard that will finally move you forward and propel you out of the loop of suffering.
This truth starts to build faith and hope. It’s this faith and hope that pulls you out of fear.
Truthful knowledge, Faith, and hope is the antidote!
The possibility of healing, knowing you can. That knowing is SO important to your ultimate healing. This moves us into a different future.
What does it take to create acceptance?
Acceptance is the opposite of resistance. This to me is an act of divine intervention, it comes from somewhere other than the human self.
Acceptance requires faith, faith in the knowledge that you did not cause your illness, and that you CAN heal. When you have faith you open up to a higher frequency of love and support. It is only when we arrive at acceptance that we can move into faith and hope. Faith and hope gives us a sense of freedom, emotional freedom that breaks the initial suffering loop.
As you apply truthful knowledge (MM info) and begin to apply healing protocols, your physical symptoms will diminish. The relief from your symptoms is due to the removal of poisons…the unforgiving 4 (viral poisons, toxic heavy metals, pesticides, radiation).
The removal of poisons leads to WELLNESS…physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. What is the upper limit to wellness?…I don’t believe that there is one. Feel excited in the knowledge that there is unlimited upper wellness.
The Danger of a Flare Pitfall
Suppose we don’t have 100% freedom from symptoms…which is the vast majority of people. How free have we become from our symptoms?…100%, 75%, 50%? When we are not fully healed, we can end up having a flare.
After so much healing, going into another flare can be VERY defeating. There are two paths that we can take at this point. When a flare occurs at this stage it can:
- Lead you back to the loop of suffering
- Lead you back to knowledge and faith that you are healing…you accept where you are, it’s just a flare.
This path of deeper faith and hope is where we want to be – this will lead us to deeper healing. A flare is just more poisons being released, your body cleansing on an even deeper level.
Even though you may already feel so much better and have healed many symptoms, your body has been storing these poisons and toxins for such a long time, that as you heal your body will go even deeper into the far reaching stored poisons and begin to release those as well. Stay in the knowledge and faith that this is what’s happening – your body is working to heal you on an even deeper level.
If you can stay in that knowledge and faith and continue your healing lifestyle, you will cleanse on a deeper and deeper level…ultimately increasing your spiritual, emotional, and physical wellness!
Freedom From Suffering
My goal is to get people out of the suffering loop and into the knowledge, faith, acceptance loop.
You may have defeating thoughts every now and then when a flare springs up, but the goal is to be aware of those thoughts because awareness gives you control.
You will then be aware of slipping back into the loop of suffering, and instead of allowing yourself to go back there mentally, you will remain in faith and truthful knowledge that you are healing and that this flare is actually a sign of deeper healing.
When you understand that, you will be grateful for the flare…and this is where you ultimately want to land, in gratitude.
Gratitude for the knowledge and faith that brought you to this spot, gratitude for the healing your body is able to do with your help, gratitude for the truthful information that has gotten you to this point, and gratitude for your strength and will to keep on healing.
It is this gratitude that will propel you into deeper wellness – mentally, physically, and spiritually.
To your health & happiness,