Muneeza Ahmed

An 8-Week Program To Support Women From Fertility To Menopause & Beyond

With Muneeza Ahmed, Intuitive Medicine Woman®


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Get the truth. Feel empowered. Make confident choices. So that you can navigate all cycles of womanhood with more ease & enjoyment.

Pregnancy, menopause, and beyond - it’s a lot to figure out! Especially if you’re struggling with chronic illness or an autoimmune condition. Even as a smart woman, you may feel:

Muneeza Ahmed

You’re not alone in any of this! I’ve supported thousands of women through the many cycles of womanhood, and almost every single one of them felt this way.

The good news? As a woman, mother of three daughters (all of whom were birthed naturally with no medical interventions), and healer, I get it. I know how challenging the journey can be.

Which is why I created Revival.

It’s time for a resurgence of Power and Agency
in your reproductive and birthing experiences.

Imagine instead

Muneeza Ahmed

But you don’t have to only imagine this.
Make this your experience when you join us in Revival.


An 8-Week Program To Support Women From Fertility To Menopause & Beyond

Program Includes

Weekly Content-Rich Video Training

8 total | Approximately 1 hour of training each week

  • Week 1: Fertility + Conception
  • Week 2: Pregnancy
  • Week 3: Preparing for Birth
  • Week 4: Your Body & Birth
  • Week 5: Your Mental State & Birth
  • Week 6: Postpartum for Mama
  • Week 7: Postpartum for Baby
  • Week 8: Healthy Hormones

Each week you receive a series of short content-rich videos related to that week’s theme. These videos are designed to deliver both the information & support you need to be informed and confident in making the correct choices for yourself.

These trainings also address the unique challenges that women face when dealing with chronic illness or an autoimmune condition.

Weekly LIVE Q&A Calls with Muneeza

8 total | 2 hours each

Get your biggest questions answered & possibly even receive laser coaching during these Q&A calls with Muneeza. You’ll also benefit from the other questions asked & the inspiring energy of women gathered together with a shared intention of claiming their power as women & mothers.

LIVE Calls withExpert Guests

Learn from experts for whom you’d usually need to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to access.

LIVE “The Medical Model for Birth” Q&A Calls

With Guest Expert, Dr. Joy Clark, OBGYN & Psychiatrist

3 total | 1 hour each

This is a very rare opportunity to get your questions answered by Dr. Joy Clark. Depending on the questions asked, you may gain invaluable insights into the intricate relationship between medical systems and childbirth; guidance on how medications, prescribed for mental health concerns, may intersect with the physiological processes of pregnancy and childbirth; the common risks and benefits of medications for both mother and child, and more.

LIVE “Healing Birth Trauma” Q&A Call

With Guest Expert, Cornelia Schenk-Hintermeyer, Psychotherapist & Hypnotherapist

1 total | 1 hour

Depending on the questions asked, you might gain profound insights into understanding & healing from traumatic childbirth experiences. Learn effective strategies to approach & re-pattern your perception of the birth experience.  Discover tools for self-compassion & self-regulation & be more equipped to transcend the effects of birth trauma & move forward with a sense of renewal & wholeness.

LIVE “Easeful Birth Techniques” Q&A Call

With Guest Expert, Zazie-Leigh Smith, Doula (in-training)

1 total | 1 hour

Depending on the questions asked, you may gain knowledge for navigating the birthing process with confidence & tranquility. Discover a range of techniques, from breathing exercises to visualization practices, designed to alleviate discomfort & promote a smoother labor experience. Additionally, you might learn about optimal positioning & movement during labor, as well as effective ways to communicate your needs & preferences with healthcare providers. Overall, this Q&A call will empower you with practical tools & a heightened sense of agency, enhancing your ability to approach childbirth with a sense of ease & calm.

Private Member Forum

In our Private Member Forum, you’ll have access to our highly skilled team of 15 support coaches who are available to support you and answer your questions. This is also a safe space to connect with other program members, share your experiences, celebrate your wins & lean in for inspiration.

Workbooks for Revival

8 workbooks – 1 for each week to keep all of your notes & questions organized in one place for easy reference

Overview of Weekly Training

Muneeza Ahmed

Week 1: Fertility + Conception + Reproductive Issues

Themes addressed in Week 1:

  • What does healthy female fertility look like?
  • What goes wrong with our fertility?
  • How to handle fibroids, PCOS, endometriosis, reproductive system cysts, breast implant illness, PID, UTIs, yeast infections, HPV, venereal diseases, abnormal pap smears, breast issues, and more!    
  • What is at the root of the fertility crisis?
  • Reviving our fertility
  • Birth control yay or nay? 
  • Spiritual side of fertility

*Includes meditation

Muneeza Ahmed

Week 2: Pregnancy

Themes addressed in Week 2:

  • Learn about the 3 most important determinants of birth
  • Take charge of your pregnancy and birth journey
  • Learn how your body works so you can start preparing for birth
  • How healthy birth works
  • Dispelling the myths around pregnancy and birth
  • Why hypnosis and relaxation are critical for better birth
  • How to deal with health issues during pregnancy and beyond
  • The truth about weight issues
Muneeza Ahmed

Week 3: Preparing for Birth

Themes addressed in Week 3:

  • Understanding birth options
  • How to prepare for a natural birth
  • How your body is perfectly made for birth
  • Why pain is not necessary in birth
  • Healing birth trauma and why it matters

*Includes meditation & therapeutic hypnosis scripts 

Muneeza Ahmed

Week 4: Your Body & Birth

Themes addressed in Week 4:

  • Taking care of your body during pregnancy
  • Taking care of your body during birth
  • Prepping for birth physically

*Includes meditation

Muneeza Ahmed

Week 5: Your Mental State & Birth

Themes addressed in Week 5:

  • Taking care of your mind during pregnancy
  • Taking care of your mind during birth
  • Prepping for birth mentally
  • Taking inventory of your fears and traumas and how to let them go 

*Includes meditation & therapeutic hypnosis scripts

Muneeza Ahmed

Week 6: Postpartum for Mama

Themes addressed in Week 6:

  • Feeding your baby
  • How to deal with postpartum issues such as depression, pelvic floor issues, hair loss, etc.
  • Sacredness of time at home
  • Bonding with your baby

*includes meditation

Muneeza Ahmed

Week 7: Postpartum for Baby

Themes addressed in Week 7:

  • Supporting your baby in feeding well
  • How to deal with baby’s health issues, colic, crying, reflux, digestion, skin, cradle cap and more
  • How to facilitate peaceful sleep for baby
  • How to support your baby post birth, empowered decisions on interventions
Muneeza Ahmed

Week 8: Healthy Hormones

Themes addressed in Week 8:

  • How to support healthy puberty
  • Healthy ovulation & menstruation
  • Dealing with hormonal imbalance
  • What safe sex really means
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Addressing symptoms of menopause: mood swings, loss of libido, vaginal dryness, osteoporosis & more.
  • Spiritual side of menopause
  • Addressing grief throughout a woman’s health journey
*includes meditation
Muneeza Ahmed

Week 6: Postpartum for Mama

Themes addressed in Week 6:

  • Feeding your baby
  • How to deal with postpartum issues
  • Sacredness of time at home
  • Bonding with your baby

*includes meditation


Bonus #1

Harness Your Feminine Power: A 5-Day Challenge (Valued @ $200)

TIME SENSITIVE: Only available until Tuesday, October 24th.

Harness your feminine power and feel connected, empowered and clear about your path forward as a woman with these 6 rich videos addressing: how to ignite your power, connect to your intuition and vulnerability, rediscover your voice, embrace your full identity, revive your dreams and celebrate your feminine power.
Muneeza Ahmed
Muneeza Ahmed

Bonus #2

Pregnancy Preparedness (Video & Handout) (Valued @ $200)

Includes a list of all the tests that are typically done during pregnancy, in a hospital, in a doctor’s office, and/or at a midwife’s office, along with a description of what the test is, why they do it & what you need to know about each so you can make informed choices about whether or not to do the test.

Bonus #3

Customizable Birth Plan (PDF) (Valued @ $50)

Use this Customizable Birth Plan to outline your preferences, wishes & specific instructions for labor, delivery & postpartum care. This invaluable tool facilitates clear communication with healthcare providers, ensuring that your birthing experience aligns with your unique desires & needs.
Muneeza Ahmed
Muneeza Ahmed

Bonus #4

Home Birth Prep Kit Checklist (PDF) (Valued @ $100)

The checklist ensures you have all the essential supplies & resources in place for a safe & healthy home birth experience. It not only provides peace of mind, but also empowers you with the confidence that you are well-prepared to welcome your new addition into the world in the warmth & familiarity of your own home.

Bonus #5

Vibrant Health Guidebook: A Nutritional Roadmap for Women's Wellness (Valued @ $200)

This guidebook has over 30 pages and includes 9 checklists of the foods, herbs & supplements you can use to support you with: fertility, healthy hormones, healthy menstruation, blood draws, general female conditions, hot flashes, night sweats & loss of libido, UTI’s & yeast infections, HPV & venereal diseases & from pregnancy through postpartum.

Muneeza Ahmed
Muneeza Ahmed

Bonus #6

The Bloom Summit: From Fertility to Postpartum VIP Upgrade Package (Valued @ $1000)

Enjoy lifetime access to cutting-edge video training with 13 experts in women’s health, addressing topics ranging from natural fertility to VBAC, to sacred rituals we can use in our different cycles, to raising a healthy family and much more. Also includes recordings of Q&As with Muneeza and special Summit guests.



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Full Pay


Payment Plan

3 x $144

Muneeza Ahmed

What Women Are Saying

Muneeza Ahmed

Our entire family has benefited from Muneeza's intuition and advice.

“I was able to deliver my second son 100% naturally and have the birth and postpartum experience I missed with my first born (prior to Medical MediumⓇ and Muneeza). I wanted to have a healthy happy pregnancy without concerns of PPD or an EBV flare postpartum. We had an almost perfect delivery and bonding time afterwards with the information needed to heal and nourish Mom and baby to the fullest. There is no comparison for the value of Muneeza's intuition and guidance.”

~ Leeann Fitzgerald

Muneeza Ahmed

Muneeza was able to help me replace my mom-guilt with strength and empowered me with the tools and knowledge to heal my children.

“Muneeza’s compassion for her clients are incomparable to anyone else I have worked with. From the start I felt like I was working with a friend who truly cared about the health of my children. Her knowledge and application of the Medical MediumⓇ information is what differentiates her the most. She is able to work with each individual person on their own healing journey and provide the tools and protocol specific to that person. This is the reason why our whole family has stopped working with other practitioners and are dedicating our healing journey with the guidance from Muneeza.

I am beyond grateful for having found Muneeza in my healing journey. Words cannot describe the impact she has had on my and my family’s health. I no longer fear the world that my children are being raised in as I have the support from Muneeza and her team in this journey.”

~ Alyssa K.

Revival is designed to empower you with the knowledge & support you need to make informed choices at all stages of your journey through womanhood.

A Personal Note From Muneeza Ahmed, Intuitive Medicine Woman®

For countless generations, women held the innate knowledge and strength to navigate the transformative journey from conception to birthing and beyond.

However, in the 1920s, a significant shift occurred as birthing was moved into hospitals. Thus began a deliberate disempowerment of women, orchestrated by the medical community.

Today, I say, NO MORE. It is time for a Revival: a reclamation of our authority over our own bodies and birthing experiences.

It’s not about where you choose to give birth—whether in the comfort of your own home or within a medical setting—it’s about ensuring you have the power to make that choice authentically and confidently.

Revival is a call to honor the wisdom passed down through generations and to restore the deep connection between a woman and her journey through all cycles of womanhood.

It’s about recognizing that empowerment transcends the walls of a hospital room, extending to every choice, every decision, and every voice.

Join me for this life-changing program. Together, we embark on a journey of Revival, forging a path that celebrates the strength inherent in every woman.


What Women Are Saying

Muneeza Ahmed

I had the most divine pregnancy and healthy, easy and healing natural home birth…

Muneeza guided me through an ectopic pregnancy when we began to conceive our second child. I beat all the odds and released it naturally (under medical supervision), instead of agreeing to toxic medical intervention or surgery (which is sometimes needed and lifesaving).

She also supported me through the sudden and acute loss of most of my hair due to a traumatic event months earlier. It all began to grow back in full thickness within 6 weeks due to her advice.

Muneeza also guided my partner and me to heal viral load and conceive our beautiful baby daughter naturally. I had the most divine pregnancy and healthy, easy and healing natural home birth again with guidance from Muneeza’s teachings and the Medical Medium way of life.

~ Anonymous

Ready to join us for Revival & reclaim your authority over your own body & birthing experience & beyond?

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely. Revival is for ALL WOMEN who want to feel more empowered and confident navigating their cycles from fertility to postpartum and beyond. While I will be addressing the unique challenges that women with chronic illness and autoimmune conditions face in this journey, the training overall is inclusive and designed for ALL WOMEN.
All LIVE calls will be recorded and available within 24 hours of the live call. Recordings can be listened to anytime in our Client Portal.
Yes. All questions are submitted ahead of time so Muneeza will answer them whether you are on the call or not.
Yes. 3 monthly payments of $144.

In addition to the support you’ll receive in the LIVE Q&A calls with Muneeza, we also have a highly skilled team of 15 support coaches who will be supporting you and available to answer questions in our Private Member Forum.

Join us for Revival. Get the truth. Feel empowered. Make confident choices. So that you can navigate all cycles of womanhood with more ease & enjoyment.

Muneeza Ahmed

Muneeza Ahmed

Muneeza is the Intuitive Medicine Woman®. Since 2007, she has supported over 10,000+ people in 85+ countries to heal from autoimmune and chronic illness so they can lead thriving, joyful lives. She also trains practitioners in the Muneeza Method®—her proprietary “healing recipe”. She is a faculty member at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies and the author of the Chutneys & Sauces: Classic Family Recipes book, soon to be released on Amazon.

Muneeza had a calling to be a medicine woman and healer starting in early childhood. She herself has suffered and healed from severe asthma, neurological Lyme disease, chronic fatigue, and eczema. She is passionate about empowering people to understand their bodies’ intuition and unique capacities to heal from within.

Muneeza was a client of Anthony William, Medical Medium®, for 7 years. She became the first practitioner to apply MM information in her practice, beginning in 2012. She is also an herbalist, a raw food nutrition coach, a health coach (from IIN and Columbia University) and is certified in multiple emotional healing modalities. She helps her clients using fruits, vegetables, wild foods, herbs, supplements, homeopathy, meditation, prayer, and intuition. When she’s not supporting others, she loves spending time with her husband and three lively daughters, who remind her every day that her true purpose in life is to be the best mom she can be.

MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: Muneeza Ahmed (“She,” “her,” or “Ahmed”), is not a licensed medical doctor, chiropractor, osteopathic physician, naturopathic doctor, nutritionist, pharmacist, psychologist, psychotherapist, or other formally licensed healthcare professional. Ahmed, does not render medical, psychological, or other professional advice or treatment, nor does she provide or prescribe any medical diagnosis, treatment, medication, or remedy. The information provided by Ahmed and Healthy Moon, LLC will not treat or diagnose any disease, illness, or ailment and if they should experience any such issues they should see their registered physician or other practitioner as determined by their own judgment.

You understand the information provided on this website is not a substitute for health care, medical or nutritional advice of any kind. You understand and agree that you are fully responsible for your own mental and physical well being, including your dietary choices and decisions. You agree to seek medical advice as determined by your own judgment before starting any program, any form of treatment or discontinuing use of any medications as prescribed by your medical practitioner.

Nothing in this website and/or programs should be construed as healthcare advice, medical diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Information or guidance provided by Ahmed, should not be construed as a promise of benefits, a claim of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved. Ahmed, makes no guarantees or warranties related to her products or services.